Scripture. Observation. Application. Prayer.

2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

May 4th

Scripture - Mark 15

Observation - Chapter 14 begins with Jesus standing trial in front of Pilate. He asked Jesus if he was the king of the Jews and Jesus said ‘You have said so”. Later Jesus was led out to Golgotha to be crucified. Passersby hurled insults at him. Right after Jesus died on the cross, a centurion realized who Jesus really was. He said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”

Application - People missed Jesus right in front of them. We still do today in the moments when we let the sacred moments grow mundane in our lives. What can change today as you live your faith out trusting that Jesus is the Son of God, still active in our lives?

Prayer - God, Help me to see what you are doing learn what it really means to follow you. Help me to better understand what it means to know that you are Jesus, the true son of God and that you sent the holy spirit to overflow in our lives. Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

May 3rd

Scripture - Mark 14

Observation - There is a lot happening here in this chapter- Jesus is about to be handed over to be put on trial, his followers would desert him, yet at the beginning of the chapter, a woman came and anointed Jesus with expensive perfume- preparing his body for burial, but also a pricy act of worship.

Application - Even in the midst of challenging times, how can you join this woman in a costly act of worship with your life?

Prayer - God, I am thankful for you. With all of my heart, I worship you. Thank you for the sacrifice your son made for me, and all humankind. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

May 2nd

Scripture - Mark 13

Observation - The disciples were curious about signs of the end of the age and Jesus’ return. Reading Jesus’ answers to the disciples can be overwhelming; yet three signs promise rest and peace to his followers: 1.) God never sends judgment without previous warning 2.) even if believers are required to face opposition, God will be near them, giving them courage and providing them with the words to speak, and 3.) false prophets will appear, showing signs and wonders, but if his followers trust God, he will guard their hearts. With this chapter Christ followers can be assured that although they don’t always understand everything about future events, they can trust that God will be with them and will strengthen them as they face challenges.

Application - Reading through this chapter can bring fear and confusion. But by the end of the chapter we see the outcome - Jesus returns, victory for him and his followers is going to happen, and he begins his forever reign in his new peaceful kingdom. How can this influence the way you think about the challenges that you will walk through today?

Prayer - Father, when I feel scared or unsure of the future, I pray that you bring peace and comfort to my mind heart. I know I can’t always control what will happen, but with you, I can stand firm in this faith. I pray that as I dig deep into your word, you will show me who you are and give me courage to keep standing strong. Help my foundation to be strong and my roots to grow deep. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

May 1st

Scripture - Mark 12

Observe It - Jesus addresses the Sadducees by telling them that they do not know the word of God, nor do they hide it away in their hearts. The Sadducees do not deny the truth outright; instead, they allow their thinking to be led astray by unanswered question. They deny any truth they cannot “prove,” such as the resurrection or angels. They also claim to believe in God’s power, but they do not live as though they do.

Apply It - Has such thinking crept into your mind? Such negative thought patterns can be eradicated by studying the Scriptures in light of God’s miraculous power. Doing so will help you trust in God’s ability, abundance, and provision. 

Prayer - Father, thank you that Your Holy Spirit lives in me. By His power I have victory over my thoughts. Replace it now with truth. In Jesus’s name, amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 30th

Scripture - Mark 11

Observation -

Application -

Prayer -

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 29th

Scripture - Mark 10

Observation - Jesus looked into the rich man’s young heart and saw what he held most dear - his money. While the man saw himself as diligently keeping God’s commands, Jesus knew the fellow had not given God his whole heart. Jesus helped this man see the condition of his own heart when he asked the young man to sell everything… 

Application - Jesus encourages us to seriously consider what holds the focus of our hearts. Wealth can mean money, food, fame, or anything else that is of value to you. Anything that is more important to us than our Savior needs to be closely examined. Then we have a choice to make -where will we put our priorities, our focus? Today, take a moment to consider what holds the focus of your heart. What is something you’re unwillingly to let go of in order to be gripped with an intense pursuit of Jesus?

Prayer - Jesus, I want you to consume all of my heart. Help to examine my heart and see what is distracting me from you. Help me to let go of anything that takes the place of you. I want your joy, love, peace, and compassion -your abundant life to fill my life instead of the things I try to hold onto. In your name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 28th

Scripture - Mark 9

Observation - Through the Transfiguration, God’s kingdom was seen and experienced as never before. Three disciples, Peter, James, and John watched as Elijah and Moses appeared to Jesus and began talking to him. This confirmed who Jesus is, but also confirmed that the Messiah’s mission was being accomplished. Peter wanted to build a memorial and stay there, but Jesus knew that the Father still had work for him to do.

Application - Jesus’ transfiguration continues today in our lives. What began on a mountain still flows into each and every one of us as believers. We are transformed into his likeness and glory. Jesus does amazing work in us when we accept him into our lives. Our old lives are washed away and replaced with the love of God. How does reflecting on this today, change how you will live throughout your day?

Prayer - Lord, help me every day to find faith in the midst of chaos. Give me the desire and ability to see you, hear you, talk to you, and give thanks to you. As I do, I will draw nearer and nearer to you. Multiply my faith and grow me deeper in your ways. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 27th

Scripture - Mark 8

Observation - Peter said that Jesus is the Christ. He realized that Jesus is the anointed one of God, the Messiah. Most people thought that Jesus was just a good man or even a prophet, but Peter testified that Jesus is the Savior that everyone had been waiting for. Peter was beginning to realize the true identity of the one he was following.

Application - Take a moment and think back to the day when you first believed Jesus was the Christ. Pray this week for someone who has yet to realize that Jesus is the Messiah.

Prayer - Father, thank you for helping me realize that Jesus is the Messiah. Help me to share that same truth with other people. Lead me to opportunities to share that same truth with other people that need to hear about you. I pray for those that have strayed and need to come back to you as well. May they discover your love and compassion once again. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 26th

Scripture - Mark 7

Observation - Jesus taught about being clean and unclean. He explained to the people that it is what flows out of the heart that matters, not what comes in. This is opposite of what the Pharisees taught. The Pharisees took the laws of clean and unclean to the extreme. They considered themselves self-righteous by following ceremonial traditions. Jesus then points out their own diseased hearts- “It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart. ”” Mark‬ ‭7:15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Application - If you looked at your heart right now, what would it look like? It’s easy to feel lost living life and trying to get through the hard times. Our hearts seem to wander when we lose focus on Jesus. Today, invite God to help what is inside of you reflect Him- His ways, his abundant life.

Prayer - God, it is so easy to get caught up in tradition or appearances. Would you help me to instead allow you to transform me, starting with the inside. Teach me what it means to truly reflect you in my thoughts, my life and my love for others. Help me to pray for others and be someone others can come to when in need. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 25th

Scripture - Mark 6

Observation - We never found out what the boy’s name was in verse 30, but what we do know is he had two fish and five loaves of bread. He was in a crowd of 5,000 listening to Jesus speak. He wasn’t focused on the size of the gift but rather his eyes were fixed on Jesus. His gifts are meager and ordinary, but generous; they speak volumes of how big his heart was. He gave a little in most peoples perspectives, but Jesus gives back more than the boy probably could have ever expected..

Application - Think about what you can offer to God. Is it meager and ordinary? It’s ok, if that’s it. God uses the simple things we offer, how awesome! Hand it over to God and expect a miracle!

Prayer- Father, help me to use the gifts and talents that you have placed in my life. Help me to go beyond myself and see how I can help your people. Everyday put someone in my path that needs to hear the name of Jesus. Open my eyes to let me see people through your eyes. In your name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 24th

Scripture - Mark 5

Observation - Jesus encountered a woman with a bleeding issue in this chapter. It is not known how long this had happened or what the cause was. By law, she was not allowed to be a part of community because she was considered unclean. In her desperation, she saw Jesus in the crowd and pushed her way through just to touch the hem of his clothes, hoping to be healed. Healing power flowed out of Jesus into her body and she is instantly healed. Once Jesus knew who touched him, he reached out to the women and let her know that by her faith she was healed.

Application - Have you ever been desperate for something from God? Maybe you needed a healing touch that you’d do almost anything for. The woman in this story didn’t allow anything to hold her back from God. What would it look like for you to come to Christ with your greatest needs, trusting that he will come through?

Prayer - Jesus, I pray that you would comfort me in my times of suffering. Give me a confidence in the power of your grace. Help me to come to you with every need that I have. When I am afraid or unsure of what’s next, help me to put my trust in you. In your name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 23rd

Scripture - Mark 4

Observation - Jesus used the parable of a mustard seed to show how God delights in small things. A mustard is about the size of a pinhead but can grow into a large plant. Abraham became the father of many nations and Jesus offers salvation to the world. In God’s kingdom, simple truth takes hold, small faith flourishes and phenomenal growth takes place.

Application - Where is your faith at today? Do you spend your days worrying, or do you let your faith carry you through day-to-day. By spending time in the word and in prayer your faith grows from a small mustard seed, to something enormous.

Prayer - Lord, I cannot see you but I know that you are there. I trust that you hold me in the palm of your hand. Help me to live every day with this perspective. Help me to understand that even if I have a little bit of faith, you can move mountains with it. Help my faith to grow every day. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 22nd

Scripture - Mark 3

Observation - Jesus was simply asking the people of the synagogue a question. He wanted them to realize that their obsession with the technicalities of the law had blinded them from discovering God’s love. Jesus saw their stubborn hearts and it angered him. Jesus didn’t fly off of the handle with his anger or yell at the people. Instead, his anger in this moment drove him towards compassion and love for the people.

Application - What causes your anger to go off? Is it a loved one? A spouse? Rush hour traffic? Whatever it is, take a minute to check your heart to see what stirs up anger in you. Our anger is very human and most times it is not driven by love. When our human side gets angry, we tend to be hurtful towards people, even ourselves. Ask God to help you choose to LOVE rather that live in anger. If anger pushes you towards a change of heart -to focus on LOVE, it can be helpful.

 Prayer - Lord, I confess my anger to you. When I confess, you are faithful and just to forgive. Cleanse my heart of all unrighteousness. Examine my heart and protect me from falling into temptation. Lead me instead towards loving people well. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 21st

Scripture - Mark 2

Observation - The religious leaders of Jesus’ time really had no idea who he was. In viewing him, the leaders just saw a man who was trying to claim “authority.” They didn’t seem to know that Jesus was there to establish a connection once again between man and God and that he was in fact the Son of God. Jesus saw the faith of the friends of the man who was paralyzed. Jesus then forgave the mans sins. The religious leaders were shocked that a person, other than God himself would claim to do such a thing. Then Jesus took it a step farther and healed the man. They had been looking for the savior for so long, that they didn’t realize he was standing right in front of them. 

Application - Have you ever felt judged by your past, your circumstances, or even choices that you’ve made? Or maybe, never felt like you measured up to someone’s expectations? When the paralytic man was carried to the house on a mat, the crowd couldn’t see past his appearance or their own desire to be in the house. Then, he was lowered through the roof. Jesus saw past the distractions and the crowd, he saw this man with compassion. Jesus has made a way to make all brokenness whole. Don’t feel like you ever too far gone, for the Savior to make your brokenness whole. He is after all, the same savior who called Levi, a tax collector to follow  him too.

Prayer - Father, help me to trust that you see past my brokenness. Thank you for meeting me in my brokenness and making me whole. Somedays I feel weak and unwise. Thank you for your grace and forgiveness. Give me wisdom over all areas of my life. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 20th

Scripture - Mark 1

Observation - In this chapter, we read about John the Baptist, who set the stage for the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Then, Jesus called some people to be his followers, his disciples. Shortly after Jesus began his ministry, we see that he is more than just a good person, with good principles. Jesus was able to perform miracles because he is the son of God.

Application - Whether you just recently heard God’s invitation to follow him, or you have been following Jesus for decades, God is always welcoming us onto his team. What areas of your life is God inviting you to leave behind so that you can follow Him?

Prayer - Father, Thank you for always pursuing me and welcoming me onto your team. Would you help me respond to your invitation to follow you with every part of my life? In Jesus name, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 19th

Scripture - Luke 24

Observation - Disappointment and confusion seemed to have moved into the lives of Jesus’ followers . In this chapter we meet of those followers as they travelled down the road. They had hoped the true Messiah had come, but their religious leaders had handed him over to be crucified. Like everyone else, they thought Jesus had come to redeem Israel politically and establish a physical kingdom that would overthrow the Roman rule and set them free. Instead, Jesus came and did so much more than that! He established a kingdom that he still rules over today and he removed sin’s stronghold so that people could become citizens of God’s spiritual kingdom. He still redeems in a way today that leaves us in constant awe of him.

Application - Our Savior is risen! As a follower of Christ this is the constant that we know and grow with on a daily basis. We know that this walk takes sacrifice, that most days seems so hard. Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? If not, this weekend is a perfect opportunity for you to jump all in with Him. This chapter finds a number of Christ followers hopeless too. Invite God to display HOPE to you as you continue to navigate this life that often looks different than we expected.

Prayer - Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive me of my sins. I ask you to come into my life and cleanse my heart and spirit. Make me a whole and new person in you Jesus. I ask that you surround me of your love and always let me know of your goodness, love, peace, joy, and patience. In Your name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 18th

Scripture - Luke 23

Observation - Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice is recorded in this chapter. In man’s eyes he was guilty of the worst crimes and hung on the cross. But the payment wasn’t for any guilt of His own, it was God’s payment for all of humankind’s sins. The only way to cover our sin was to give a pure and blameless blood sacrifice. As the blood of Jesus stained the cross, so was death and sin lifted off of our lives. We are now able to be redeemed -to be in relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, our Savior’s sacrifice.

Application - As Easter draws nears, it is a great time to remember what Jesus did for us. Sometimes it’s easy to forget or let the idea of the cross become common to us. But, when we really take a minute to remember what Christ did, it does something to our spirits. The work of the cross brings true wholeness into our lives. Maybe that is why Jesus encouraged us to reflect often on His body and blood given for the forgiveness of our sins. Think back on your own salvation story. Take a few moments to write down your story as a way to reflect on God’s good grace and redemption of your life.

Prayer - God, thank you for sending your only son, Jesus to be a living sacrifice for me. Thank-you for my salvation and sanctification. Captivate me in your holiness. Purify my soul, mind, heart, and spirit. Burn the areas out of my life that are not pleasing to you. In your name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 17th

Scripture - Luke 22

Observation - The gathering of Jewish religious leaders examined Jesus, hoping his response would give them something to accuse him of- enough to result in the death penalty by the Roman authorities. Jesus’ response to their questions was to declare, “I am,” which is similar to the way God presented himself to Moses. When Jesus said this the leaders took what he was saying as proclaiming himself God, which was the highest form of blasphemy and the crime was punishable by death. It’s just what they needed to turn Jesus over to Pilate.

Application - Have there been times where life has been on trial for you? While our sins are indeed punishable by death, Jesus has stepped in to serve the death penalty that we deserve and has given us everlasting life instead. All we have to do is accept him and give our trials over to him. What trial, what challenge, do you need to allow Jesus to step into today in your life?

Prayer - Jesus thank you for being my redeemer. Without you I would face a life full of worry and uncertainty. I wouldn’t know my next steps and would be completely lost without your shining life. I thank you Jesus for every moment that I get to spend in your presence. In your name I pray, amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 16th

Scripture - Luke 21

Observation - In this chapter, Jesus honored a humble widow who gave everything she had. Jesus also prophesied about coming days where persecution would be rampant, but he encouraged his followers to stand strong. Even when put on trial, it would be their opportunity to tell people about Jesus! 

Application - It sounds exciting to be all in, fully committed right? Full commitment comes at a high cost though. It can be challenging to be fully committed, but Jesus helps us grab some perspective in this chapter. A widow’s small offering is actually more than just a tiny amount of money, because she gave everything she had. In preparing his followers for coming persecution, the perspective Jesus points them towards is not to focus on things falling apart around them, rather he invited them to see the opportunities God gives them to share HOPE in the midst of hopelessness. How can you focus on the opportunities to give your all in he midst of the challenges you face today? How can you invite God to direct your perspective differently today?

Prayer - God, Thank you for helping me fix my eyes on you and the opportunities to surrender all I have to you. When the world around me starts to crumble, help me to fix my eyes on the opportunities you are giving me to share your hope, rather than being caught in despair and anxiety. In Jesus name, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 15th

Scripture - Luke 20

Observation - The parable of the vineyard hit home to many of the people who were listening to Jesus tell it. The owner of the vineyard represents God; The vineyard is Israel; the tenant farmers are the religious leaders; the servants are the prophets; and the son is the Messiah. Jesus creatively told the coming of his death and resurrection through this parable. Most of the people are shocked by the details of this story and couldn’t believe the mistreatment of the servants and death of the son. But hey didn’t realize that they soon would give Jesus over to be killed. The good news is that Jesus is the cornerstone that holds up God’s kingdom. Soon the people will have a choice; reject God forever, or come to know him through his son, Jesus Christ.

Application - Have you ever felt rejection in life? It’s a tough pill to swallow sometimes. How did you handle the rejection? Just think how Jesus might feel when we have rejected him at times in our lives. Thankfully, Jesus doesn’t become bitter like we tend to do. Instead he so graciously still loves us and always has his arms wide open to welcome us home when we are ready for him. Throughout this chapter, we read about Jesus’ interaction with ‘religious’ people and leaders of the day who didn’t realize that the savior they were waiting for was standing right in front of them. How can reflecting on the fact that Jesus overcame the grave for us change the way we’ll live our lives out today?

Prayer - Lord, help me to see what You are doing throughout the day. Help me to live a life that is a reflection of you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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