Scripture. Observation. Application. Prayer.

2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 14th

Scripture - Luke 19

Observation - While at Zacchaeus’ house, Jesus used a parable to teach the people about his kingdom. He encouraged the people to remain faithful until the kingdom arrives through the second coming of Jesus. Some of the servants in the parable multiplied what God had trusted them with. One of the other servants in the parable tried to play it safe by holding onto all his belongings. He didn’t manage what the nobleman had entrusted to him and it was taken from the servant.

Then Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. The same people that welcomed him there with praise and triumph would soon be the people that would shout that he should be hung on the cross. The crowd was anticipating that Jesus would soon be their earthly king and free them from Roman rule. Making his way into the city, Jesus wept over the city, knowing that many of the people there, were missing the fact that the True Messiah had come because they were expecting him to look different than he did.

Application - It - In our lives today we can let worry, insecurities, and fear hold us back from doing what God has called us to do. Instead, we should step out to God’s call and be faithful and trust that He knows what he is doing with our lives. What has he given you to manage right now? It might not seem like much, but will you manage and care for why he’s given you?

Prayer - Jesus, help me have faith that goes beyond my own understanding. Take fear out of my life and replace it with your peace. Help me to be faithful with the people and things you have trusted me with to manage. Give me wisdom on how to multiply what you’ve given me, for your glory. The path may be rocky, but your hand guides and steadies me. In your name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 13th

Scripture - Luke 18

Observation - Jesus tells a parable about a Persistent Widow, to help us learn how to pray. The story sets a model of persistent prayer, that is tenacious, constant, and insistent. Jesus encourages one to ask again and again and again in the face of what seems like unresponsiveness. God through his love for us responds eagerly to our persistence. Jesus ends with a question to think on. Can faith be found anywhere on earth?

Application - The story of the widow sets an example of someone who realized their need, and knew who could fix it. God will ‘surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night’. Some days it feels like prayers go unheard. Then there are days that we only pray when we feel like it or when troubles come our way. But a healthy prayer life is found in spending time simply talking with God. How can you change your prayer life? Would you say your pray life is healthy or non-existent? What is a big distraction in your life that you could take away and instead use prayer to fill that time? The most important thing about prayer is not about the words or ways that you pray. The most important thing about prayer is that you simply begin.

Prayer - Father, with all the distractions in life it is hard sometimes to turn off the noise and focus on you. Whatever is keeping my attention away from you show me what that it is. Grow my prayer life and grow my faith. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 12th

Scripture - Luke 17

Observation - Jesus refers to the millstone in his teaching as an example of how much weight a person bears when living in sin. He teaches his disciples that the number times a person has sinned doesn’t matter when a person asks for forgiveness. He explain to them that a person will always be forgiven when they repent of their sins. The disciples responded to Jesus by asking him to grow their faith even more. Jesus simply stated that faith begins as small as a mustard seed. Jesus knew how much this moment would stretch his followers’ faith, but Jesus also knew that they would be able to forgive as their faith grew and stretched.

Application - Forgiveness seems to be the one thing that most people find hard to do. It seems easier to take the moment that something was done to you and bury it deep in your heart. But what happens is that moment begins to grow roots of bitterness and from the bitterness comes anger and unforgiveness. It begins to turn you into someone that no one wants to be around. Forgiveness is not only for the benefit of the other person, but rather a valuable moment for you to give your situation over to God. Take some time to ask God to help you forgive anyone that you have held back forgiveness from, after all, he is the Master of forgiveness. 

Prayer - Father, thank you for your gift of forgiveness. Your mercy flows over me in spite of my faults and failures. Your Word says to, “clothe yourselves with love, which binds together in perfect harmony.” (Col 3:14) Help me demonstrate unconditional love today, even to those who hurt me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 11th

Scripture - Luke 16

Observation - When first looking at this chapter Jesus seems to be saying that things have changed around here, but then again, nothing has changes. What Jesus is really saying is that the coming of the Messiah builds on the foundation the prophets laid. Jesus doesn’t abolish the law, he fulfills it. Think of it like this. You have a plain white room with no decoration. Later, you come in and paint the room a nice neutral color, add decoration, and possibly some new furniture. The room seems to be a different place but is actually the same place magnified. Jesus’ message doesn’t cancel out what the prophets have said but adds depth and meaning to it. The law prepares the way for God to show his love through Jesus. The law cannot bring righteousness or oneness with God; however, the law shows us our need for a Savior and points us to Christ who Is the only way. 

Application - We would like to think that we can go out and do our own, but the reality is that we need our Savior. Think about your life before you came to Christ and what it was like. Now, think about your life after you came into relationship with Jesus. What an awesome transformation your life took! He made something beautiful from the ashes that were scattered in your life! 

Prayer - Lord, I am so grateful for keeping those around me safe and loved. Thank you for your blessings in my life. I pray that you remind me of just how blessed I am and that you never let me forget to show gratitude in all areas of my life. In your name I pray, amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 10th

Scripture - Luke 15

Observation - Jesus tells us constantly through his words that he is the seeker of the lost. He tells three stories of lost items in Luke 15. A sheep, a coin, and a son. When each item is found Jesus talks about the celebration and rejoicing that they are no longer lost but found. The same goes for a person who has strayed far from the presence of God. They may have wandered for a while but when they come back to knowing Him, all of heaven rejoices.

Application - Have you ever lost your way, lost hope, or felt like you were losing your mind? Have you ever felt like you were lost to the world, or even to yourself? Take inventory of what you have lost recently and ask God to help show you how to rejoice through those losses. You are not rejoicing over the loss but rather God takes things that have strayed away from us and marvelously restores them to us in ways we might not immediately recognize or appreciate. 

Prayer - Father, help me to see how you work out every moment of my life; the good and the bad, the wins and the losses. It is hard to see your exact plan and there just may be moments that I totally don’t get. That’s where your wisdom comes into play. I know that there will be times I don’t completely understand the why and will have to learn to trust in you for those moments. Lead and guide me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 9th

Scripture - Luke 14

Observation - Jesus went to eat dinner in the home of a leader of the Pharisee on the Sabbath. While he was there, he healed a man after asking the Pharisee’s if it was ok to heal someone on the Sabbath. The Pharisees couldn’t tell him if it was ok to heal someone on that day. Instead they were intent on following religious rules, finding their own place of importance, rather than blessing others. Then Jesus told a parable about being invited to a banquet by the Father. The guests who were originally invited all had excuses about why they could not come to the banquet. Instead, the master invited others to the banquet.

Application -   Jesus was all about blessing and caring for those in need. Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in the tasks and rules of our faith. Jesus set an example of this by healing a man on a day that many people were more worried about what not to do, rather than the opportunity to care for someone that was right in front of them. Then remember that God invites us to the banquet with him. The people in Jesus story who were invited at first were too caught up in all sorts of tasks and events. God invites us to come into his presence, to celebrate at the banquet table. What distracts you from fixing your eyes on Jesus and being in his presence? How can you make being in his presence a priority today?

Prayer - God, help me not to get caught up in the work and tasks of my faith. Instead, help me to make being in your presence a priority. Help me to fix my eyes on you God. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 8th

Scripture - Luke 13

Observation -

Application -  

Prayer -

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 7th

Scripture - Luke 12

Observation -

Application -  

Prayer -

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 6th

Scripture - Luke 11

Observation -

Application -  

Prayer -

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 5th

Scripture - Luke 10

Observation - Sometimes portions of the Bible can be small, but significant. Towards the end of the chapter part of Mary and Martha’s story is told. As Jesus was about to enter their home, Martha was running around trying to prepare everything and get the house and food ready for Jesus’ arrival. But, when he arrived… Mary, instead of helping her sister, chose to sit at the feet of Jesus. Seeing her sister sitting there, Martha complained having to do everything herself, but Jesus told her that Mary is right where she should be.

Application -  There are days that we get so busy that we miss intricate, intimate moments with our Savior. We are so busy doing work, serving, taking care of family, and raising children, that Jesus has to yell over the noise and shuffle to get our attention. What can you do in your life to change up the time that you spend with Jesus? What time could you exchange so that you could have more time with Jesus?

Prayer - Father, life can get absolutely crazy. I know there are things I could put aside in order to fill my life with more time with you. At the end of the day, you are all that matters. I know the more I surrender to you, the more you’ll pour back into me. I love you God. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 4th

Scripture - Luke 9

Observation - Jesus sent out the twelve disciples who He had given authority to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and drive out demons. The people followed Jesus as he spoke about the Kingdom of God. He fed five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus made a little go a long way. Jesus’ transfiguration was a display of that glory of God. Even in his transfiguration, a great spiritual moment, Jesus was willing to speak about death and sufferings. 

Application - How is your prayer life? Do you talk to Jesus daily? Do you carve out time to spend time with him? It’s not always easy in our busy lives to find that time with Jesus. Try taking just five minutes a day to start praying -this might help you learn how to spend quality time with God. As you spend that time it will grow into more.

Prayer - Father, you’ve shown me through your Son that prayer is an essential part of my walk with you. It allows me time to bring my worries, issues, and fears and lay them at your feet. It is also a time to praise you and thank you for each of my blessings. Would you build a passion in my heart to always keep pursing you and help me to build our secret place together. 

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 3rd

Scripture - Luke 8

Observation - In this chapter, we read a few of the parables that Jesus taught. In one of the parables, He uses an analogy of a garden, explaining that the seed of the Gospel can land in all sorts of hearts. In Jesus’ story, he said that some seed landed on the path and was trampled, other seed fell in the rocks, but couldn’t get enough water and would die off. Stil other seed fell onto ground where weeds were growing. The weed ridden soil represented people who initially accept the gospel and don’t reach their full spiritual maturity. Finally, some of the seed fell on good ground and took root, reproducing itself 100 fold. Three out of Four soils didn’t grow anything in Jesus’ story. Thankfully, Jesus’ story shows us that we follow a God who doesn’t give up. The farmer finally found ground -hearts, that the Gospel would grow in and be reproduced in!

Application -  In your own garden, have certain plants choked out your good spiritual intentions? Have certain plants blocked the sun and nutrients and have stopped letting the good plants grow? When you neglect certain things that need to be taken care of, thorns can grow and overtake your garden. What weeds need to be pulled, and how can you be sure to see the GOSPEL grow and reproduce in and through your life?

Prayer - Father, help to tend to the garden of my heart. Help me to recognize the weeds and thorns that try to overtake the good things that are growing in my life, allowing you to uproot the destructive patterns that try to choke out your work in me. I want the garden of my life to be full of life and growth. Help me to allow you to plant Your Plan, Hope, and Future in my life.. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 2nd

Scripture - Luke 7

Observation - Jesus used miracles to help explain and show who he was. When John the Baptist sent some of his followers to ask Jesus who he was, Jesus simply pointed back to his miracles as the explanation. These miracles were and continue to be a representation of what Jesus can do spiritually. While performed physical miracles, more importantly, he made it possible that the spiritually blind will see, the spiritually deaf will hear, the spiritually lame will walk, and the spiritually dead will live. Jesus saw the woman who lost her son and was moved with compassion for her. He touched the coffin and the boy woke up, performing yet another miracle. They truly saw that Jesus was God in human form.

Application - What miracle are you waiting on? Is there an issue in your body that you have been waiting on God to touch? Miracles still happen, but not always in our ways or timing. This is no reason though to stop pressing into God and keep praying for your miracle. In waiting for God to perform the miraculous, we often discover a deeper faith in him.

Prayer - Father, I come to you today with faith so small that even I have a hard time seeing it. I believe that you are able to do more than I can even imagine. I know Father that you can do the impossible in my life. So I will trust in your promises. Thank you for hearing my prayers and being a God who sees and hears my every need. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

April 1st

Scripture - Luke 6

Observation - When we read this chapter, it’s clear that Jesus turned the religious teachings of his day upside down. He challenged humankind’s attempts to get to God. Instead, Jesus invited his followers to be focused on the fruit that they bear. After all, you can ‘identify’ a tree by the fruit that grows on it. Finally, Jesus teaches his followers to build their lives on the SOLID FOUNDATION - this happens when you come to Jesus, listen to his teaching, and follow it.

Application - It’s so easy to get caught up in our own failed attempts to get to God. Jesus invites us to come to him and respond to him. Where do you need to stop trying to achieve wholeness on your own, and instead invite God to grow good fruit in your life? What would it look like for you to build your life on the SOLID FOUNDATION of Christ- by coming to Jesus, listening to his teaching, and following him?

Prayer - God, Help me surrender to you, to follow you with my entire life and heart. I don’t want my faith to be built on traditions and my own attempts to get to you, but instead on the FIRM FOUNDATION of You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

March 31st

Scripture - Luke 5

Observation -

Application -

Prayer -

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

March 30th

Scripture - Luke 4

Observation - In the last chapter Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist- a great spiritual experience. Then in Chapter 4, Jesus was tempted by Satan. Everything the devil tempted Jesus with, Jesus can obtain for himself. But Satan asked him to do it in the wrong way and at the wrong time. In the middle of Jesus’s fast, Satan asked him to eat. Instead of relying on God and His power, Satan asked Jesus to assume his own power. Each time, Jesus backed up the no’s he threw at Satan with the power of God’s word. Jesus relies on the Father throughout this fight.

Application - What is your greatest temptation? What struggle do you try to take out of your life but keep finding yourself running back to? We all have a weak spot in our lives and Satan knows exactly what words to get us to come back to those things that keep us even further from God. In those moments, stand strong on God’s word. Don’t give in to Satan’s deception. Take scriptures and engrave them in your heart that way when Satan attempts to distract you, you can throw God’s word right back in his face. 

Prayer - God, some days it’s hard not to stumble and fall down, but you know me better than I do, and you know the temptations that make me feel weak. I need your help when it comes to battling these things in my life. Help me to stand strong on my feet and use your word as a strong foundation. Help me to learn your word so I know exactly what to say to Satan when he comes my way. Thank you, God, for strength. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

March 29th

Scripture - Luke 3

Observation - John the Baptist’s message gets straight to the point and pierce’s straight to the heart of the people who are around him listening. They know that in order to receive the message, they must repent of their sins and turn to God. He uses imagery of a farmer tossing grain to the side and the light-weight grain blowing away in the wind. John was explaining that the Messiah would come to separate those who will receive him and those who won’t.

Observation - Have you prepared yourself to hear the message that Jesus has? How is your heart when it comes to your relationship with him? in all things we do in this life, we should be rooted deep down in Jesus and His truth. When the wind tries to blow you down, you can stand strong and tall.

Prayer - Father, life can be hard especially when there are heavy burdens hold me down. Thank you for your faithful words in the Bible. They remind me that You are my God and you have promised to be by my side and give me strength when I ask for it. Help me stand firm in my faith in you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

March 28th

Scripture - Luke 2

Observation - Here we get another look into the life of Jesus. If you close your eyes, you can almost see the manger with the animals surrounding baby Jesus, and then growing up like any other child, even though he was fully God and fully man. The last part of this chapter is beautiful and simple. Jesus obeyed his parents and as he grew, growing in wisdom and finding favor with God and men.

Application - One look at the life of Jesus and you might think, man, he had it easy. But when he went to the Temple, it was a challenging moment for his parents. Is there a time in your life that was especially challenging —even as you followed God’s will? Did you find a way to resolve the challenge, to at least trust God even if you couldn’t understand, or did you just bury your emotions without unfolding the challenge you faced? We would love for this life to be a breeze, but unfortunately, it’s not. We can look at the birth of our Savior and know, that with Jesus, life becomes breathable again, with HOPE on the horizon.

Prayer - God, I don’t want to walk through this life feeling beat down and drowned by the waves of life. I want to be a person who can look at the challenges I face and know that you are here with me. Help me to remember why Jesus came to earth. Through that moment, I was set free. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me enough to die for me. In your name I pray, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

March 27th

Scripture - Luke 1

Observation - The first chapter of Luke starts the book with a lot of anticipation. Elizabeth and Zechariah were expecting to have a son that would lead the way for the Messiah and Mary was told that she would be used by God to carry Jesus, the Messiah into this world. By the end of the chapter, Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary are all looking forward to what GOD was going to do through them.

Application - When life change happens, it is easy to look at all of the disruption and discomfort that change will bring. How can we follow Mary’s example by saying “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true”"?

Prayer - God, May I surrender everything I am to you. Help me to hear your voice and be aware of the direction you are leading me in. When you invite me to do something for you, help me to respond with willingness like Mary did. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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2911 Devo Team 2911 Devo Team

March 26th

Scripture - Ephesians 6

Observation - Paul encouraged thenEphesian church to work hard, diligently as for the Lord, not just for their bosses. Whether slave or free, God should be our motivation in our work. Later in the chapter, Paul gives us this great illustration of spiritual armor to wear- “Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil. Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:13-18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Paul was helping the church be ready for the fight that the devil was putting them through.  

Application - It’s easy to forget that our work is a blessing from God. Take some time to thank God for your work- call it a blessing. If you’re extra busy at work, thank God for it and ask for wisdom on how to manage and prioritize the work you have on your plate.

Take a few moments to think and pray through the Armor of God too. Ask God to help you wear each piece that he’s given us.

Prayer - God, thank you for all that you invite me into in this life. Thank you for school/work -thank you for giving me a way to be involved and active in my life. Help me to to excellent as an employee, leader, student, and/or family member. Help me to serve and love other people well. Finally, I realize that the struggles in this life are not against flesh and blood, but against the devil. Help me to wear the Spiritual Armor that you’ve given me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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